Saturday, December 22, 2007

home again...wait, home?

...And here I am, home again. Although I believe the defenition of home has shifted the last couple of months. Old friends, I am here again: (relatively) thinner, (relatively) wiser, and...why not? more out going. Nostalgia hasn't treated us well. has it? Maybe I was being naive in thinking that I would comeback, and be greeted with a smile. "It's not like you're coming back from the great war, David. Relax." And yes, that is what I did. We analyzed strip bars and strippers. Things were so simpler back then, and retrospect, things are always more simpler. But we had some drinks my friends, some cigarettes and some good conversations, I have said before... thats all I need.
I saw old flames, and went to a house party like we used to do. Only this time I danced, I am a wall flower no more. I conversed, became the charmer I was meant to be, or at least thought I should be. American life is quite boring, but at least it's more fun than our small beach town.
"Why are you so high strung, dude?", you asked. "Well, its the living in the city" I answer. Don't believe that shit. I'm just trying to sound interesting. I am so high strung because I am so fucking excited to see you guys, I just don't know how to act.
Yes, this is the season of THE big comebacks. Everyone is coming back from their first semester of college, everyone has stories to tell. So lets sit back, have fag, talk about itm and maybe in while we'll dance and pretend we're back in highschool again, only this time, we know what the fuck we are doing...barely.

Festina vite lente, Bitches is back in town


Blogger Unknown said...

:) pau te qieree <3

2:47 PM

Blogger cas said...

lets wait until feb to see what happen

11:55 PM

Blogger Maída said...

c'mon, June 26th is THE day.
Just got the date today...

6:34 AM

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6:45 PM

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6:34 AM

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5:15 PM

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3:38 PM

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10:55 PM

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1:09 AM


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